Two friends, both alike in lack of dignity, at the opera where we lay our scene...

As they take their seats, they attempt to act grown up and classy. They turn their goofy smiles into serious frowns. Little do their fellow audience members know that only mere moments ago, they were shoving sausage rolls, pies, roast beef rolls and glasses of wine down their throats.

The opera commences. There is much singing. Things are going well.
At interval, they continue to maintain their composure. They view pictures and items of interest. Liz lingers questionably long at a photo of the Triffids.

An usher approaches and asks the duo if they would like him to take a picture. They agree, but are slightly disconcerted by the third figure in the photograph.

All is well. To the casual passerby they look like two good, upstanding young adults.

On the car ride home,

the hair and the truth comes out.

Mood: heat, sweat, shower


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