Friday to Sunday of last week in 3 strips
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Strip 1: A/V Recce 2 at Melbourne Town Hall & Dinner With a Pal
Grate on Collins
Picture on door of Stephen's A/V office
Event which was happening while we were there
Dinner in St Kilda with my friend Paul from The Sculptor
'Terrible' ale, which Paul said is fantastic
Strip 2: After the Saturday Morning Storm and Big Mischief with Little Apple
Opened door expecting to see hail stones and instead saw small yellow flowers scattered everywhere
Saturday morning Holly Bear
Mischief with apple in city (see video in previous post)
Fed Square Book Markets, on way to Rennie Ellis exhibition
Strip 3: Sunday Flowers and Fluffy Handcuffs
Flowers near St Kilda Botanic Gardens
Pineapple juice in a city pub in the afternoon
My dear friend Chris and I bought our friend Nomesy a pair of white, fluffy handcuffs as a joke. I then took a photo of each of us doing boring domestic things while wearing them.
Nomesy having crackers and dip in handcuffs
Chris using TV remote in handcuffs
Me on laptop in handcuffs
Misspelled graffiti on Acland Street, St Kilda. - 'Fat Capilist' (Fat Capitalist)
Mood: Tom Waits and red ribbons