Dali Atomicus
This image is my desktop and also, I realised today, a good representation of what the inside of my brain currently looks like.
This photo of Dali was taken by Phillipe Halsman who was really into jump photography or 'jumpology' as he called it. He said: "when you ask a person to jump, his attention is mostly directed toward the act of jumping and the mask falls so that the real person appears."
Hmm... the cogs in my brain have started turning as I write this... In between all the outings, film meetings, prac prep and essays that I have planned for this weekend I may have to rope in some pals to be the subjects of a bit of jump photography experimentation. I'm lucky I have patient friends who are willing to put up with this kind of treatment, mwa ha ha!
Mood: listening to Perfect Day by Lou Reed and watching yellow sunlight fading over green leaves