Happy Holidays! And I Love Hearts and Pinwheels!
Merry Christmas! I hope you are having a wonderful day filled with laughter, love and those silly paper crowns you get in Christmas crackers!
Here's a great Christmas present: Hearts + Pinwheels. I love, love, love it. This is a blog by my friend Magda, with whom I worked on The Sculptor movie and have mentioned in this post.
One of my favourite films is Woody Allen's Annie Hall. I was delighted when I clicked on to Magda's blog the other day and found that she had seen it recently and written up her thoughts.
They are as follows:
"Annie Hall was up first, and, yes, I loved it. I found the story rich, relatable, and memorable, and the central relationship compelling in its genuine chemistry. As I drove home I replayed some favoured moments in my mind and found myself smiling, remembering Anne’s awkwardly misplaced laughter, that silly juxtaposition between their two families (Alvy’s family, like mine, is zany and obnoxious), and that bit where Alvy describes relationships as sharks (they must constantly "move forward, or die"). Still, even though I laughed a lot during this film, I wouldn’t describe it as a major lol-fest; rather, it’s a case of finding the humour touching (or ‘eerie’ even) in its accuracy. In the end, I’d describe the film as joyous, as a loving tribute to a complicated relationship. I’m excited about watching it again."
I was so thrilled when I read this. Her reaction to the film was exactly the same as mine when I first saw it a few years ago. She has deftly put into words everything that I felt.
I also adore Magda's photos in this post. Anyhow, I could go on, but this is just a small snippet of what I love about Hearts + Pinwheels. Yay for Magda!
(PS. For those of you who know me personally: yes it is true, my penchant for wearing men's shirts and a man's watch can be traced back to my love of this film.)
Mood: Elliot Smith and eating an apple