Prahran Exteriors which Fascinate Me

Love and Lewis ex cu

Love and Lewis CU

Love and Lewis

Love and Lewis on Cato/Chapel streets. The first time I noticed this building was when I was at a yoga class in a first floor studio nearby. I turned towards the window to do some crazy stretch or other and was hit, smack bang in the face with the word 'LOVE'. After the class I ran down the stairs and into the street to find the building.

Building above JB HiFi on Chapel Street, Prahran

I can't help but wonder what goes on in this massive building (I don't know what it's called) that sits above JB Hi-Fi on Chapel Street. Whenever I look at it, I think of Great Expectations and have flights of fancy where I see Miss Havisham drifting around a ballroom covered in cobwebs.

Balcony of building above JB HiFi on Chapel Street, Prahran

Yet when I see the balcony, with its cacti, palm trees and lanterns I imagine it as a residence for a collective of artists, musicians and performers. As my mind continues to wander, I like to pretend that it's a recording studio of some sort where, late at night, people gather on the balcony and play bongos and strum guitars while red-wine-fuzzy-drunk and bathed in warm yellow candlelight.

It probably just houses offices.

Mood: Phil Collins singing In the Air Tonight and cinnamon doughnuts


Fitzroyalty said…
This is a great post! Would you be interested in seeing your work about local places syndicated on local news blogs? See Prahran for example. Over 150 local bloggers are already contributing. There’s no advertising and no exploitation of your content - just a convenient way for local people to read local news. To contribute please add suburb categories, tags or labels to your posts, such as ‘Fitzroy’, ‘Brunswick’, etc and let me know you’ve done this. RSS feeds for these tags are created and added to the local news sites. You should find that syndication brings more traffic to your blog and more comments from readers!
shell870 said…
this is probably my most favourite building i have ever laid eyes upon. it transports me to another world every time i walk past it and gaze.
Liz said…
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels that way!
Unknown said…
i compleatly agree this a house unlike any other i have seen. i would love to know what goes on there or perhaps it is better of a mystery. either way it certainly got my attention.
Rachael said…
It is an artists' studio :)
Liz said…
Thanks so much Rachael for letting me know! I'm so glad it is used as a creative space. It definitely seems appropriate :)

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