We are the dreamers...
Matt and I have an exciting little dream for one day on the cards. I don't have any details just yet so I will mainly rely on the pictures below to give you an idea of what is swirling through my head at present!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/emersonmerrick/sets/72157623163201903/with/4305847541/ |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/emersonmerrick/sets/72157623163201903/with/4305847541/ Jane Lidz 1979 for a book entitled 'Rolling Homes: Handmade Houses on Wheels' |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/emersonmerrick/sets/72157623163201903/with/4305847541/ Jane Lidz 1979 for a book entitled 'Rolling Homes: Handmade Houses on Wheels' |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/emersonmerrick/sets/72157623163201903/with/4305847541/ Jane Lidz 1979 for a book entitled 'Rolling Homes: Handmade Houses on Wheels' |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/emersonmerrick/sets/72157623163201903/with/4305847541/ Jane Lidz 1979 for a book entitled 'Rolling Homes: Handmade Houses on Wheels' |
I discovered a great blog today called: Nora Pearl. It's written by an artist called Kerrie. She writes about the experience of creating her portable 'sea cottage' Nora Pearl (pictured below) - her inspiration for its decoration and the adventures she has in it.
This looks so comfy and cosy. I want to curl up there and read a good book! |
Some of the design inspirations Kerrie mentions come from a German blog called 'Home Sweet Motorhome' Here are three pics of their caravan:
I tend to favour simple designs like the ones below. I think that, depending on your mood, you could either leave things very simple and streamlined or alternatively, cover your caravan in a riot of fairy lights and draped materials for a super fun, 70s-gypsy-caravan feel. Or you could make it feel like a treehouse. Anything that resembles a treehouse is where I want to be.
All these burgeoning adventures and unfurling plans have this feel for me at the moment:
Hooray for big dreams and lovely, crazy people to go on adventures with!
The people for me are the mad ones... who never yawn or say a commonplace thing but burn burn burn like fabulous yellow Roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars...
Mood: Kerouac, "Not all who wander are lost" - Tolkien, big sky, smile as big as the world!