Where the Wild Things Are

$3 ring from Werribee Zoo

Last weekend there were adventures afoot all over this city - too many even to be recounted within this post. I have put together a random patchwork of photos that I managed to take while on the run. I say patchwork but really it was sticky tape rather than thread holding my brain together as I galloped around Melbourne. (It was followed by a busy week, which is why I haven't had a chance to sit down and post until now.)

Anyhoo, on Friday I spent the day finding the fun at Werribee Zoo. That evening my friends and I had a wild night out in Brunswick, kicking off with a photo safari at another friend's gig at the Brunswick Hotel. Between sets, we played some pool and ran down the road to take photos in a laundromat. Pictured above is my awesome $3 Zebra ring which I got from Werribee Zoo. The zebra is a pool playing ninja. I am not.

in a shack at Werribee Zoo

I had to take a photo of this when I spotted it in a ranger shack at the Zoo.

Through the window on our way to J Bomb's gig

Going through the square window upon arrival at the gig.

Jeff Marni at the Brunswick Hotel

My friend's band - big, luscious electro brought to you by Jeff Marni

Jeff Marni's frontman Jock

Jeff Marni's frontman Jock

Jeff Marni blue light

Jeff Marni

this recklessness is contagious

Before we went out, my friends and I had drinks at our house. I knew it was going to be a big night when the following phrase popped into my head and held like a mantra: 'this recklessness is contagious'. I didn't have any notepaper at hand so I scrawled this phrase on the only writing medium I could find: the above little wooden slats which were left over from the back of a canvas (the one from the previous weekend's painting exploits). I took this photo of them on my bedside table when I got home.

location scouting - we didn't use the bowls club, but it was fun to stroll around there in the sun last Sunday

Saturday and Sunday involved voting, eating a delicious breakfast at Charlie Brown's in St Kilda (goat's cheese scrambled eggs with chorizo - yum! I don't mess around with cereal), heading to Fitzroy to catching up with my lovely friend Sal, seeing Inception, having yum cha for Marvellous Magda's birthday and location scouting for the Mr Brady shoot - which included heading to the Fitzroy Bowls Club (above). I didn't choose this location for the shoot, but it was lovely to wander around on a sunny afternoon. I love how projects can take you places you wouldn't normally go.

the result of sunday afternoon painting fun - the paint finally dried!

Also, the paint dried from the previous Sunday afternoon of fun.

This post would not be complete without a photo of the following, which I spotted at the Brunswick Hotel....

A framed picture of Chuck Norris on the entry to the bathroom!


Mood: Lamington Drive, photo editing and Johnny Cash


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